Thursday, 12 January 2012

Identical quadruplets born

Identical Quadruplets Born
 Identical Quadruplets Born - Identical quadruplets born, Identical triplets born in New York, A New York couple has become parents to a set of identical triplets. Laura, Sophie, Jasmin and Kim.

 Those are the names of four brand-new and astoundingly unique children born in Leipzig, Germany, on Friday. The children identical quadruplets were reportedly delivered with few complications and are all healthy
Desmond and Kerry Lyons left their Manhattan hospital with five-day-old Kevin Patrick (6lb), Declan Gerard (5lb, 8 oz), and Cormac Francis (5lb 4oz).
The couple, from Irvington, New York, who already have two children aged two and four, conceived the triplets without fertility treatment.
Twins, triplets and quadruplets have become much more common over the past few decades because of fertility treatments, but identical triplets are still rare. Some scientists estimate they occur in as few as 1 in 100 million births. Others peg the number higher, at 1 in 500,000 or even 1 in 64,000.The three tiny newborn boys emerged from the the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center on Tuesday wearing matching blue hats and asleep in a pram.
The triplets were born on Friday by Caesarean section.

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